Transition Management Program

Our technology creates efficiency and scalability, while our expert team project manage the entire transition management program for you.
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Book Analysis Services

On your mark - Fee Comparison

We provide advice firms with a platform fee comparison ($ & %) of their client’s existing platforms & investments against the recommended scenario.
This helps the advice firm identify potential cost & benefit enhancements from moving platform or investment strategies and make informed decisions with clear data.

Ready - Analysis

We help the advice firm understand their client advice data, including potential CRM & portfolio information gaps.
We provide advice firms with a detailed analysis of each of their client’s accounts - the existing platform & investments against any recommended scenario, highlighting the specific tax & other impacts of transitioning.
Advice firms will also receive insights into the platform or investment strategy transition effectiveness, summarised in interactive charts and graphs.
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Transition Management Services

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Set - Engagement

We segment the advice firm’s client base and get you set for client engagement. We’ve developed an advice request system that knows when implementation packs are required.
We segment the advice firm’s clients by costs, benefits, platform, adviser, FUA, advice type, number of products and much more.

Go - Implementation

We produce the implementation pack for each advice firm client, including SOA, application & other transition documentation.
We integrate with the advice firm’s CRM to push back into the client folder or file where available.
Monitor progress with a user-friendly, dashboard-style view.
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